You can change your shirt size online before August 3rd at 11:59pm!
Please follow the steps below to update your shirt size, and note that the sizes offered are based on availability.
How to Change your Shirt Size
1. Login to your Race Roster Participant Dashboard
2. Confirm that you're managing the correct registration. To switch the event and manage a different registration click the All events button and select the appropriate event.
3. Click the Edit registration button.
4. You will then be taken to the Edit registration details page where you can make any updates to your registration. Each part of your registration is broken up into respective fields.
5. Once you have made the appropriate edits, click the green Save button to complete the process.
After August 3rd, you will have the opportunity to exchange it in person after the race on Saturday, September 13th.
On race day, just be sure you bring your unworn shirt with you, and then head the Help Desk at the main entrance of the Zoo after 10:30am to request an exchange.
Please note that exchanges are first come, first served and are based on shirt size availability.